AP4CTE is Creative Commons licensed, Open Education Resources (OER) content. There are no costs, ever. You may reuse, rewrite, in any way to support your students. Your only obligation is attribution to AP4CTE.org
AP4CTE offers duplicate content in three places, to support your preferences.
- Here on AP4CTE as a document archive
- In Canvas for you to import as you like to your own Canvas shell
- In Google Classroom for you to import as you like to your own Google Classroom
Our intent is to support teachers and offer student examples. You, as teachers, are our audience. As such, read, review, and please offer edits or ideas on what you see. Our ‘course’ is for teachers to teach, rather than a direct import for student shells. You are welcome to use both teacher and student materials.
All content at AP4CTE is developed by Downey Unified School District, in Downey, CA.