Module 9 introduces students to the College Board’s second official high-stakes task, the Individual Written Argument and Presentation. This module provides a timeline and process for using the skills students have learned in Modules 1 -7 to complete the task. There are checkpoints provided to help guide students through the process.
Module 9 Introduction
This document provides suggested time, content, assessments, and essential questions to be used in Module 9 so that you can gauge how to organize class sessions with your students.
Module 9.1 Preliminary Research Activities
This document gives instructions on how students will engage the official stimulus materials, providing steps leading up to their argument analysis.
Module 9 Checkpoint 1: Task 2 Stimulus Materials Discussion Questions/Reflections
In this document, you will find instructions on the first checkpoint for this module, in which students will analyze all provided sources and formulate 2-3 inquiry questions to research.
Module 9 Checkpoint 2: Preliminary Research Question and Stimulus Argument Analyses
This document gives instructions for the second checkpoint in this module, where students will select their research question and develop argument analyses of the two sources from which they generated their topic.
Module 9.2 Annotated Bibliographies
In this document, you will find an overview of the next step in the Task 2 process, creating an annotated bibliography.
Module 9 Checkpoint 3: Task 2 Annotated Bibliographies
This document provides instructions for the third checkpoint in this module, where students will submit a document with their research question and annotated bibliographies.
Module 9 Formal Assessment, Part 1: Individual Written Argument (IWA)
This document outlines the steps for completing the first part of the formal assessment for this module. It outlines the official exam description requirements for the Individual Written Argument.
Module 9 Checkpoint 4: Preliminary Argument Outline
In this document, you will find instructions for the next module checkpoint in which students will choose an argument style and complete the corresponding template along with their responses to specific reflection questions.
Module 9 Checkpoint 5: IWA Draft, for Peer Review
This document outlines the fifth module checkpoint, where students engage in a formal peer review activity providing feedback on another student’s Individual Written Argument.
Module 9 Checkpoint 6: IWA Revised Draft
In this document, you will find instructions on checkpoint number six in this module, where students will submit a final revision of their IWA based on peer review feedback
Module 9 Formal Assessment, Part 2: Individual Multimedia Presentation and Defense
This document provided instructions on completing the second part of the formal assessment for this module. It outlines the official exam description requirements for the Individual Multimedia Presentation.
Module 9 Checkpoint 7: Presentation Visuals Draft
This document outlines the steps for checkpoint number seven in this module, where students will create slides for their presentation.
Module 9 Checkpoint 8: Oral Defense Preparation
In this document, you will find instructions for the last module checkpoint, in which students will submit a reflection on their research process.